Goodbye Lloyd Cafe Cadena

It was just this July 2020 when I stumbled upon a video by a Filipino vlogger named LLoyd Cafe Cadena. I wasn't hooked right away. In fact, I found his videos childish and hollow at first. Then I watched another video of his and then another. It didn't take long before I found his vlogs fun, heart warming, and entertaining. Pretty soon I became a regular follower.
His vlogs reminded me so much of life in the Philippines and they are a window to Filipino culture. I particularly admired his love and affection for his mom, his family, his friends, and his neighbors in the slum area where he resided in Manila. What a big generous heart this guy had. He shared the financial gains from You Tubing and shared them with those who had less than him. He wasn't rich but he was a billionaire in terms of friends.
You can just imagine the shock I had when I found out that he suddenly passed away due to Covid 19 at the very young age of 26 three days ago. It was like losing a very close friend. Who would have thought that this guy full of life and energy would be taken away so prematurely.
Thanks for the joy you've shared with us, Lloyd. You may not know me, but I am a big fan. You are one person truly worth emulating. I shall miss you!