My Prayers to the Victims of the Las Vegas Tragedy

4-Oct-2017 • Las Vegas, Nevada United States

I was just as shocked as everyone else when news came out that a gun man opened fire at concert goers along the Las Vegas Strip last Sunday. It is just so sad that so many people lost their lives. I can just imagine the pain and sadness the families of the victims are experiencing right now. It is never easy losing someone you love.

I lost four immediate members of my family in the last 17 years and hardly a day passes when I don't think of them. I long for their presence and often wish they were still around so I could talk to them and hug them. The pain and sorrow never really goes away.

While there is talk once again about making laws to restrict gun ownership in this country, I doubt anything will come out of it. Nothing happened after a group of school children and teachers were brutally massacred in the East Coast, I don't believe anything will happen this time around.