In Seville during the Annual Feria de Abril

16-Feb-2014 • Seville Spain

It was in April 1988 that I had the most wonderful opportunity to visit Seville during its most special week of the year, the annual Semana de la Feria de abril. The air was festive and the atmosphere very colorful and very Spanish.

My room mate at the dorm, Marvi Zambrano, and I signed up for the weekend long tour of Southern Spain through a student travel agency called MUNDOJOVEN. I must say, it was money well spent and the memories of the trip have lasted til today.

By the Guadalquivir River on the day the festivities for the Feria de Abril began in 1988

Right across the Plaza de Toros de Sevilla

At the Plaza Real

By the main entrance to the Alcazar

Plaza España was simply picturesque. It was even prettier with the presence of lots of Spanish women, young and old, dressed in the traditional Sevillana. The costumes were SO colorful.

Seville's Plaza España was so unique in character just like its Madrid counterpart along the Gran Via. While both shared the same name, they didn't look alike in any way at all.