
28-Apr-2019 • Dusseldorf Germany

It was a thrill to return to Dusseldorf. My first and only visit up until my most recent vacation here last January 2019 took place last August 1990 with some friends from Manila. I must say, after nearly a week stay in Paris, Dusseldorf looked and felt like a small town. It was the complete opposite of the hustle and bustle in the French capital.

Given that I had pictures taken from my previous visit, I remembered a few sights like the Rathaus and the Kaufhof Department Store. But, that was about it. I had no recollection whatsoever of the lay of the land nor how to get around.

We stayed at the IBIS Hotel which turned out to be inside the Dusseldorf Train Station. It was so convenient and safe.

From there we just walked to the center of town.

A partial view of the Rathaus

back at the Rathaus! After soooo many years!

Thought that mannequin was real at first.

Marc and I found lots of statues like this scattered in different parts of the city.

How colorful is that store front?

A local pub and restaurant

Beautiful scene

It surely felt like Christmas. Store fronts were decorated for the season.

Ice skating in the city center

The Kaufhof Department store