The Cherry Blossom Festival of Northern California

30-Apr-2016 • San Francisco United States

Shortly after our arrival from our latest cruise vacation to the Panama Canal, the annual Cherry Blossom Festival of Northern California took place in San Francisco over a period of two consecutive weekends in April, April 9-10 and 16-17 to be exact. While my partner, Marc, and I have watched it many times, we still went to Japantown to join in the celebrations. We watched some shows at the Peace Plaza, browsed inside Kinokinuya Bookstore, purchased pastries from Anderson's Bakery, and watched the colorful parade. No matter how many times we've attended this annual event, we never tire of seeing it. Next year promises to be a very big celebration. 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of Japantown in Northern California. That is certainly one event not to be missed.

With one parade participant who obliged to have his picture taken with me.

Every time there is a parade of any sort in the city, the local politicians can't be far behind. This year just like in any year, city supervisors graced the event. This is Supervisor Scott Weiner.

After going through the pictures I have taken over the years, I realized that JAL had a float in the parade year after year. This was theirs this year.

Next to the beautiful JAL float where the Cherry Blossom queens of 2016 sat.

This kid was so ready for his pic to be taken and thanks for the beautiful pose.

Hope to see you soon, Japan!