The Ebi Burger

18-Feb-2015 • Tokyo Japan

The Ebi burger, otherwise known as the shrimp burger, is one food I simply must have when I am in Japan. Actually, I had it twice when I was in Tokyo recently. Food snobs would probably snicker at the idea. "What? Eat in a McDonald's when in Japan?" some would even add.

Eating Japanese food is something I do a lot at home in San Francisco. I eat it all the time right in my backyard. I eat all sorts of tempuras, katsus, shioyakis, and mochis more than anyone I know. After ten trips to Japan, I have tried what I needed to try. Thus, every time I return, it's got to be EBI for me!

My Ebi Burger from a Japanese McDonald's. How I wish they served this in many McDonald's in the US.