Halloween 2005

5-Oct-2014 • San FRancisco United States

I miss the Halloween celebration in the Castro. For years, this was the event to be at during Halloween in San Francisco. Boy, was it a celebration full of fun and laughter. Locals and tourists alike flocked to this famous street to witness how San Franciscans celebrated. Too bad a few bad eggs ruined it for a lot of people. How I miss this event so much!

Her Royal Highness, Marie Antoinette, is it?

A Roman Gladiator and a uhm, uhm...

Adam and Adam eating the forbidden apple

Oops, mind you, it is fake.

Here's the Grand Marshall of the parade!

Pretty queens in drag

Dollars for research, any givers?

The devil and the Grim Reaper

Tippi Hedren in "The Birds"