Almeida in Portugal

14-May-2014 • Almeida Portugal

I had the wonderful opportunity to step on Portuguese soil once again last July 2004. It was a quick one as it was part of a day long trip through Castillian cities and towns. For some reason, a visit to this sleepy Portuguese town with the centuries old fortress was also included. I forgot the reason why it was included in our itinerary but I was not going to complain. It was a new place for me and I always enjoy seeing new cities and towns. We arrived in the middle of the ritual siesta many people took in this part of the world where the summers could be intense. This was the reason the images I captured of the town were devoid of people.

In front of the Porta de San Francisco

The Porta de San Francisco or San Francisco Gate

The town of Almeida in the middle of the afternoon siesta. Where art thou people?

A tiny park in the middle of town

This was the bar we all congregated in. The owner was up and I believe he made beacoup bucks with us all there buying up drinks to battle the heat.