Our Second Day in Copenhagen (The Amalienburg and The Little Mermaid)

21-Apr-2014 • Copenhagen Denmark

On our second day in Copenhagen, Marc and I visited the Amalienburg Palace. We actually passed by the place many times as we walked to different landmarks in the city. I don't think we ever went in, it being the residence of the Royal Danish family. We did witness the changing of the guards and there was a gift shop inside which sold memorabilia about the Danish Royals and the palace.

This was a view of the Frederiks Kirke also known as the Marble Church from the palace square.

A closer view of the Frederiks Kirke or as it is more popularly know, the Marble Church

The guards of the Amalienborg Palace

The Amalienburg Palace

At the square on front of the Amalienburg Palace

The Sankt Angsar Kirke, the Catholic Cathedral of Denmark

The most famous Danish landmark, the Little Mermaid

There were hundreds of tourists milling about the area where the tiny statue of the Little Mermaid was. People took turns taking pictures but it was a difficult task to do at the time.

Our picture of the Little Mermaid taken by a fellow tourist. Not the best shot but we what could we do?

This was taken farther away from the crowds.

The Danish War Resistance Museum in 2003. On our second visit to Denmark ten years later in the summer of 2013, this building burned down and out of commission.

The sign in front of the Danish War Resistance Museum

A view of the Black Diamond, as the Danes called their recently built Royal Public Library, at the time.

The Black Diamond

Our home away from home in Copenhagen, the Marriott Hotel. We stayed here five days and then returned for another night stay before we returned to the US.