At the Retiro Park

14-Feb-2014 • Madrid Spain

Madrid's Retiro Park was one place I visited over a hundred times in the three and a half years I lived in Spain. The place was especially bustling with activity in the spring and summer when the weather was perfect. I also loved playing the role of guide to visiting friends and acquaintances from Manila here.

Taken at the Retiro Park during my first spring in Madrid. I was so thrilled to see the sun set so late at night that time. Pardon my naivette, but I honestly hadn't experienced anything like it up until then. Back home in Manila, it was dark by 6 pm every single day of the year. There was even a day in the summer in Madrid when the sun was still up at 10:45 pm. Absolutely amazing! The Palacio de Cristal was right behind the trees, by the way.

At the Retiro, on the grounds of the Palacio de Cristal with its fountain in the background