Seeing the Colosseum in Rome for the Very First Time

27-Dec-2013 • Rome Italy

As you probably know by now, Marc and I love to travel. Hence, whenever our budget and time allow, we go somewhere special we have not been to before. Unlike many countries I had been to before though, Italy was not high in my list of second visits for a very long time. Marc has been there a lot more times than I actually have. My first visit to Italy in the late 1990's didn't exactly leave me with a very good impression. Perhaps it was because we traveled there by car from Germany and the whole experience was simply scary. Especially the time we got lost at Corso Buenos Aires in Milan.

Marc insisted on renting a car at that time and that we go at it with him driving from Germany to Switzerland to Italy to Austria and then back to Germany. To be honest, it was the scariest of all vacations I had ever taken and it was not pleasurable at all. I can still remember, I was so, so happy to leave Italy for the calm and orderly Austria after a few days of sightseeing in Milan, Verona, and Venice. Anyway, seeing the Colosseum in Rome this time around was unbelievable. I was in awe. What I just saw in film and on TV, I was now seeing live and in person. It was simply unbelievable!

In Rome with the Colosseum in the background

It was Marc's first time in Rome too despite having been to Italy many times before.

Marc with a fuller view of the Roman Colosseum behind him

Me and another view of the Roman Colosseum

A side view of the Roman Colosseum

What a sight!

Definitely worth the long plane ride from the other side of the world

The magnificent Roman Colosseum

I am so happy we went. I can't wait to go back and see it again.