Spring Break 2024 is Over!

7-Apr-2024 • San Francisco, California United States

What a wonderful nine days my spring break had been!

I got the rest I needed and sleep in on most days I most certainly did during my time off. Although dreams of traveling to Guatemala crossed our minds, we ended up staying put to attend to much needed repairs in our home. With the repairs done, I did what I usually do when I'm not working during the day. Take leisurely walks, shop and window shop, eat out in my favorite restaurants, watch You Tube videos, and rest.

I did take home a paper bag full of homework packets and so for the first two days of my vacation, I did nothing but check papers and plan my lessons for the weeks following our break. I'm glad too that I finished doing this task early. It allowed me to fully enjoy the rest of my vacation. I had nothing hanging over my head to worry me. I had them all done quickly and got them all out of the way.

I am sure that returning to work tomorrow morning will be difficult but I only need to think of my much longer vacation, my two month summer break, in June. I have to confess, my desire to retire swirls in my head every now and then . But when I do think about leaving the workforce, I am anxious and I am not sure I want to do so abruptly. For now, I've decided to remain gainfully employed for as long as my health allows and travel during the periods school is out.

I am just ever so thankful for the life I have and the kind of life I lead. Not everyone has the luxury of taking vacations and I do.