The Falun Gong Parade

20-Feb-2016 • San Francisco United States

For years now, I have seen members of the Falun Gong, also known as the Falun Dafa, in San Francisco. In fact, I often see them passing out leaflets to people going into and out of Chinatown. I also often see them do what seems like exercise or better yet, Tai-chi. Little did I know that it is a spiritual movement with roots in northern China.

Exactly a week before the Chinese Lunar New Year held last February 20, the group held its own parade in Union Square. I heard one lady onlooker say that it was a precursor to the big new year's day event. Whatever it was, it did stop traffic and people were more than happy to watch what looked like a new year's parade but eventually turned out to be a protest against the Chinese government.