On the Eve of Halloween

30-Oct-2015 • San Francisco United States

Today was a very special day in our school. We all celebrated Halloween and it was a lot of fun. The students were so excited about the entire event and they all came to school in their carefully chosen costumes. We had a Halloween parade first thing in the morning and a party in the afternoon after lunch.

For the very first time, an altar celebrating the Day of the Dead in our cafeteria was set up. I checked it out during my lunch break and I was truly touched to see pictures of departed loved ones on it. I work in a predominantly Hispanic community of the Bay Area and many parents in our school community helped decorate it. I too will be doing a lot of remembering. Three members of my immediate family have passed on and it is on occasions like these that I miss them so dearly. Their passing have really made me realize how short life is and how important it is to spend a lot of quality time with our loved ones.

During the month of October, I made sure I taught art and made some projects with my dear students about Halloween. I wanted them to know that it is a day of fun and celebration. I particularly advocated the funny, the cuteness, and the hilarity of the event. The following were some of the finished work my students turned in.

A partial view of my bulletin board

On my second year of teaching, a retiring teacher gave me this children's big book of poems and chants. There is one poem in it which I truly enjoy reading year after year. Many of my ELD (English Language Development) students find it delightful.


This was a Halloween greeting card.