Fall is Here!

24-Sep-2015 • San Francisco United States

I just can't believe how fast the year goes by. Day after tomorrow the fall season begins. While I always get a bit sad to say goodbye to summer, I do like fall. It is a fun time too despite the long dark nights and short days we are about to relive once again. Halloween and my most favorite American holiday of all, Thanksgiving, are fast approaching.

I just hope fall this year feels more like the season it really is. It was so warm in California last year. Whereas in the 1990s and 2000s I had to wear coats and scarves to protect myself from the cold, in the last five, a mere sweater or light jacket did the job all the way to the end of winter. On top of that, there's been very little rain too. How weird is that? While the US East Coast has been experiencing the most brutal winters, California has been feeling very tropical all throughout the year lately.