El Castillo de Montjuic

7-May-2014 • Barcelona Spain

I first visited el Castillo de Montjuic last December 1987 in Barcelona. I remember it very vividly since it was my very first time to be away from home over the Christmas holidays.

Riding the funicular over to the castle. I don't remember any funicular rides back then. It was either a cab ride or a trek on foot back in the olden days for us.

El Castillo de Montjuic

A tower of the castle

Of course, a photo opp!

The view of the city of Barcelona from way up high in one the castle's towers

Beautiful Barcelona down below

Barcelona is a major commercial port just like Oakland in NorCal or Long Beach in SoCal

This used to be what else, but the moat

Another view of what used to be the castle's moat in the olden days.

It was the funicular on the way up for us but we just walked all the way down back to the street level